Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Based on a web discussion from Myspace.com:

"Cracker" and "Honkey" are incomparable to the word "Nigger" because they weren't names given to white people as a form of currancy. They weren't words created by black ppl in positions of power and used to objectify, dehumanize, and isolate a particular race of people as the word "Nigger" was. As the word "cattle" refers to a form of property and a means of trade for an exclusively white culture in our history so was the word "Nigger". I dont call my white friends any name other than the one they were born with because I regard them as equal human beings. Not just because I respect them as they are self respecting individuals but because those aren't loaded words. There is no emotional connection to them. This is why modern blacks sometimes use the word towards each other. It is an attempt to invert the negative connotation and re-claim the power that was taken from them through the constant use of the word which is associated with violence and subjugation. Africans were brought here to America over 400 hundred years ago and have relatively only recently aquired "equal" rights. I use the term "equal" losely because the judicial system, at it's foundation, is set up to target minorities especialy black people. To deny this is self delusion. If ten white men each killed a black man less than half of them (if any at all) would be on death row. Some, if they are rich enough, might not even have to go to prison. Reverse the scenario and there would be 9 or 10 black men on death row. Some of my white friends are actually rascists but they realize that like many other counter-productive traits that they've inherited (and we all have them) it's something that they were culturally socialized into and consider it something to trascend. This is why I respect them. Rascism=Ignorance. PERIOD!