Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Todd McFarlane Talks Spawn Sequel: "

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Love him or hate him, Todd McFarlane has been one of the biggest movers and shakers in the comic book industry since the 1980s. After leaving Marvel to create his own comic line, McFarlane created Spawn, a title that sold well by any comic book standards, and earned a theatrical release in 1997.

In a recent interview with IGN, McFarlane discussed his future plans for Spawn. If you dig Todd and his work, the entire interview is well worth the read, but for now we'll just talk movie info. McFarlane is very realistic regarding a Spawn sequel; he knows the first movie was not well received, and that if he hopes to film a second he will not be given the budget that other big title comic book movies are receiving.

His answer to this problem is perhaps surprising, and frankly a bit refreshing in its straightforwardness. ‘Eliminate the fantastic,’ says McFarlane. As in, cut out the elements that would lead to a need for big budget special effects. He cites Frankenstein as an example, noting that everything in the Frankenstein story was real and human, including the lead characters of the doctor and Igor. ‘The only thing that was fantastic was the monstrosity in the middle.’ McFarlane offers two tibits regarding the plot of his sequel. The storyline will primarily follow a character named Twitch, who eventually becomes Sheriff Brody. Thematically, the new movie will revolve around the reality of ghosts and spirits in the Spawn universe, a familiar concept to Spawn fans.

Can a Spawn movie succeed without the elements of the fantastic that fill the pages of its comic book? It is certainly is an interesting angle to take; and frankly, given the success of its last attempt, there’s almost nowhere to go but up.

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(Via Cinematical.)