Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Book Review: PostSecret: "Everyone has a secret. Frank Warren has several thousand of them, pasted and scribbled on four-by-six inch postcards, and locked away in stainless steel boxes. They're not all his secrets, though more than one of his own are among them. They are the responses to the PostSecret invitation… they are the most intimate secrets of thousands of people, which they have never shared with anyone before.
PostSecret is described as 'an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.' It began as an art project, evolved into a massively popular website, branched into a unique traveling art exhibit, and it is now a brand-new book. I procured a copy of this book today, and had a chance to give it a good, hard look. I also recently had the opportunity to converse with Frank... (More Inside)"

(Via Damn Interesting.)