Thursday, December 01, 2005

Télépopmusik: "

Two albums and one Mitsubishi commerical strong, featuring the vocal stylings of such artists as Angela McCluskey (a direct descendant of Billie Holiday (yes, the)), Télépopmusik offers a fresh, groovy, jazzy, electronic sound received worldwide with favorable reviews. The French group’s core membership consists of three musicians: Fabrice Dumont, Stephan Haeri, and Christophe Hetier, who met in 1997 after playing separately.

Their first CD, Genetic World, generated a lot of attention for the leading track, ‘Breathe’, and ‘Love Can Damage Your Health’.

Angel Milk, their latest and very appropriately-named album, has a lot of good songs — my only criticism would be how it seems to feather out a bit in the middle. I like ‘Don’t Look Back’, ‘Stop Running Away’, ‘Love’s Amighty’, and ‘Tuesday’ in particular.

Update: Michael F. Gill from Stylus Magazine kindly sent me a back issue of his Groovin’ With The Millimeters podcast, featuring a very popular remix of ‘Into Everything’ by The MFA. Groovin’ is actually more of a show, inasmuch as it appears regularly with other shows on Stylus’s daily music podcast, Stycast. If you’re the fast-forwarding type, ‘Into Everything’ is at 14:38.


(Via Centripetal Notion.)