Friday, March 31, 2006

Stranger Than Fiction: 9-11 AND THE WAR ON TERRORISM: "Stranger Than Fiction: 9-11 AND THE WAR ON TERRORISM - Due to concerns for his personal safety, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce and mass distribute this paper for non-commercial use. From Nony"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Web How-To: Planning Flash Projects: "Whether you're a grand Flash master or a complete newbie, you need to map out your Flash projects before starting to animate them. has posted an excerp from 'Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Bible.' (posted by Jennifer Apple)"

(Via The Photoshop Blog.)

19 - Superman: "

View now

The infant of Krypton is now the Man of Steel. More info at IMDB.


(Via Vintage ToonCast.)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Try out Google's new interface: "Try out Google's new interface - Awhile back I posted about the new search results interface Google was supposedly testing. I can definitely confirm that today. This blog post describes how to set a new cookie in Firefox that will force Google to display the new results page for you. Since the instructions are a little off (and took me some fiddling to make them to work), here's my versionFrom cw"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Index of /CalvinHobbes: "Index of /CalvinHobbes - Calvin and Hobbes comicsFrom cw"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Chrono Trigger Mixed Tap: "Chrono Trigger Mixed Tap - I know CW is all about awesome song mash ups, so here's DJ Epoch in the Hizouse!

p.s. yes this is a joke.From OberonFox"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Impeachment Project:: "The Impeachment Project: - If you feel George W. Bush should be impeached, paint a sign that says 'Impeach.' and post it in a public place. From Popper"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Friday, March 24, 2006

111,111,111: "

There is some small quirk in my makeup that has rendered me somewhat obsessed with numeric patterns and cooincidence.

For example, I delight in the fact that Oliver's birthday is October 1, 2000. Both because that's 011000 or 100100 or 001001 depending on how you slice and dice, and because it means that it will always be easy to know how old he is at any given point in his life -- 34 in 2034, etc.

For a similar reason (I think), I appreciate that our house is at 100 Prince St. Somehow it wouldn't be the same if we were at 99 or 101. I like living at 50 Great George St. too, and somehow never got comfortable with 1360 Kingston Rd.

I have a friend who was born in 1933. I was born in 1966. The year she turned 66, I turned 33.

And just yesterday I found the following calculation tacked to the bulletin board at the uptown Formosa Tea House:

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12345678987654321

Of course Google is all over this, but I still found a bit of comfort in knowing that this is true.


(Via Reinvented News.)

The I Ching: "The I Ching - From Nony"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is our conventional decimal number system perfect? Learn Octomatics!: "what do you think: why do we have the decimal system
in our western world? because of our 10 fingers? why
do we have 7 days a week? why are 60 seconds 1 minute
and 60 minutes 1 hour? why do we have 24 hours a day?
and 31 or 30 days a month?
do you think thats a really good solution? well, here is another one:
...welcome to octomatics!"

(Via digg.)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Real Transformer!

Monday, March 20, 2006

A MASTER TEACHER NEEDS OUR HELP NOW !!: "HELLO To ALL of YOU, A MASTER TEACHER WHO HAS LIVED IN LOVE ALL HIS LIFE NEEDS HIS COMMUNITY NOW. I clipped this from Wayne Dyer talks about spiritual teacher and friend Ram DassBE HERE for him,NOWO..."


Tom Cruise has no sense of humor: "

*tom_cruise_south_park.jpgTom Cruise got Comedy Central to cancel Wednesday night's South Park episode about Scientology by warning that he'd refuse to promote Mission Impossible 3, insiders say. Since Paramount is banking on MI3 to make money this summer, and Paramount is owned by Viacom, which also owns Comedy Central, the tactic worked. The South Park episode - which pokes fun at Scientology and shows Cruise, John Travolta and R. Kelly - was mysteriously pulled at the last minute.

Well thank goodness Tom got the episode pulled; otherwise people might start thinking Scientology was weird or something. I don't know at what point Tom became such a jackass, though it's a well known fact that short people are intrinsically evil and must be destroyed. Hey, it's right there in the Bible, right after the part where Jesus flies around around the Earth to reverse time and save Lois.



(Via The Superficial - Because You're Ugly.)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Macintosh Bittorrent Clients Comparison: "A comparison among the BT clients for Mac."

(Via digg.)

Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GI's water: "Memo: Halliburton failed to purify GI's water - Halliburton Co. failed to protect the water supply it is paid to purify for U.S. soldiers throughout Iraq, in one instance missing contamination that could have caused 'mass sickness or death,' an internal company report concluded.From Juniper"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Zoom In Awards: "

Skip to roughly the halfway mark in the reel to check out a sneak preview of the sponsor film this month... Thru Traffic was a finalist for best editing in this year’s award ceremony in NYC, which must be where I unknowingly gave my Vintage ToonCast business card to someone from the WSJ. And now you know...


(Via Vintage ToonCast.)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dave Chappelle: For What it's Worth is $1.99 on iTunes

Hard to pass this one up $1.99 for Dave Chappelle's For What it's Worth, an hour long Showtime special.

read more | digg story

Africa's New Ocean: A Continent Splits Apart: "Africa's New Ocean: A Continent Splits Apart - Normally new rivers, seas and mountains are born in slow motion. The Afar Triangle near the Horn of Africa is another story. A new ocean is forming there with staggering speed -- at least by geological standards. Africa will eventually lose its horn."

Pentagon plans cyber-insect army: "Pentagon plans cyber-insect army - The Pentagon's defence scientists want to create an army of cyber-insects that can be remotely controlled to check out explosives and send transmissions.From cw"

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mixed Reality Interface

Pretty cool looking technology!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

MySpace Hidden Beta Page Found Reveals Future of MySpace: "I simply went to
MySpace will switch everything around like they have been doing the past few weeks and change EVERYTHING to asp, watch."

The Woman who Remebers EVERYTHING PERFECTLY: "AJ can recall with astonishing accuracy what she was doing on that date and what day of the week it was. Because her case is the first of its kind, the researchers have proposed a name for her syndrome -- hyperthymestic syndrome"

(Via digg.)

Hell's Angels Sue Walt Disney: "Hell's Angels Sue Walt Disney - The legendary Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club is suing Walt Disney, Buena Vista Motion Pictures, and a movie production company for trademark dilution and infringement for developing and producing 'Wild Hogs,' a movie about '[a] group of middle-aged wannabe bikers look[ing] for adventure out on the open road, where they soon encounter a chapter of the Hell's Angels.'From cw"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Rove Says Troops Will Remain In Iraq: "Rove Says Troops Will Remain In Iraq - President Bush's top political adviser says the administration will not pull American troops out of Iraq until victory is won.This will mean war till the USA is bankrupt then ..."

Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park': "Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park' - Isaac Hayes has quit 'South Park,' where he voices Chef, saying he can no longer stomach its take on religion."

Friday, March 10, 2006

Head rotation

rotation, originally uploaded by lanoo1111.

I'm finally getting around to animation. I've procrastinated long enough so i thought I'd start out with something simple

Thursday, March 09, 2006

High-Res Images of the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights

The National Archives provides access to high-res images of the Charters of Freedom documents. These files are in JPEG format with the maximum quality setting possible. For graphic designers, each file also contains "clipping paths" for easy mask creation with most professional graphics software.

read more | digg story

High-Res Images of the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights

The National Archives provides access to high-res images of the Charters of Freedom documents. These files are in JPEG format with the maximum quality setting possible. For graphic designers, each file also contains "clipping paths" for easy mask creation with most professional graphics software.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Red rain could prove that aliens have landed: "Red rain could prove that aliens have landed - There is a small bottle containing a red fluid on a shelf in Sheffield University's microbiology laboratory. The liquid looks cloudy and uninteresting. Yet, if one group of scientists is correct, the phial contains the first samples of extraterrestrial life isolated by researchers.From cw"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Bush may be history, but sadly his work will outlast him: "Bush may be history, but sadly his work will outlast him - How many Americans does it take to build a memorial to 9/11 Apparently 2367 and counting. That's the number of US servicemen who have died in Iraq in the four and a half years that Ground Zero in lower Manhattan has not been developed. There is still just a large hole, surrounded by street-traders selling lurid images of the attacks.From SDFLKJ"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Bush may be history, but sadly his work will outlast him: "Bush may be history, but sadly his work will outlast him - How many Americans does it take to build a memorial to 9/11 Apparently 2367 and counting. That's the number of US servicemen who have died in Iraq in the four and a half years that Ground Zero in lower Manhattan has not been developed. There is still just a large hole, surrounded by street-traders selling lurid images of the attacks.From SDFLKJ"

(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Easily Hide your Sensitive Files in OS X: "Ever tried to conceal your porn sensitive files from peering eyes? I bet that you've nested folders in folders, creating a maze of confusion. Maybe you even renamed them to something innocent so a search wouldn't find it. Perhaps you've downloaded third-party software that randomly scatters your top secret info on random places on your computer. Well, after today your life will become slightly easier. The trick is: invisible files.

An invisible file is something that does not show up in the GUI (Graphical User Interface), but it still exists on the hard drive. In other words, you will not be able to see it in the Finder, yet your files are still there. Even better, you can create an invisible folder whose contents are invisible as well! Spotlight can't even find them!

In fact, there are tons of hidden files on your Mac that you don't even know about. Don't be paranoid, they're good! They make your computer run. These files start with a period. However, OS X will not allow you to create a folder starting with a period. Try creating a folder called '.hidden', and this is what comes up:

But there's an easy way to get around this.

1) Open the Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal). Type

mkdir .hidden

The command mkdir makes a new folder (make a directory) in your Home folder. You can change .hidden to anything you want, just as long as the period is in front.

2) Now navigate to your Home Folder. If you did things right, you should not see anything different!

3) In the Finder, go to Go -> Go to Folder, or hit Command-Shift-G. Type in


and hit enter. Tada, this is your hidden folder! If you don't believe me, Command-Click on the folder name at the top of the window. This tells you the hierarchy of where the folder is nested on your hard drive. See? It's right above your Home Folder, meaning it's really in there! You can drag anything here - music, movies, documents, literally anything - treat it like any other folder. It has permissions, too. And anything you put in here will not show up in Spotlight.

4) If at any time you want to delete this folder, go back to the Terminal and type

rm -r .hidden

But beware, this deletes the folder and all of its contents.

Happy Hiding!"

(Via Random Tech.)

Babies’ Cells Stay With Mothers: "

… and linger for decades. It’s too soon to know what, if any, role they play in the mother’s health after birth, but some evidence points toward them behaving like stem cells, repairing and replenishing when she is sick.

It’s such an enticing idea that even the scientists who came up with the idea worry that it may be too beautiful to be true.

Robert Krulwich, NPR


(Via Centripetal Notion.)

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see: "The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see"

tokyoplastic v.2: "tokyoplastic v.2 - the little fella"

Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina: "Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina - In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, risk lives in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage of the briefings.

Bush didn't ask a single question during the final government-wide briefing the day before Katrina struck on Aug. 29 but assured soon-to-be-battered state officials: 'We are fully prepared."

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cheney's Canned Kill, and Other Hunting Excesses: "Cheney's Canned Kill, and Other Hunting Excesses - Vice President Dick Cheney went pheasant shooting in Pennsylvania in December 2003, but unlike most of his fellow hunters across America, he didn't have to spend hours or even days tramping the fields and hedgerows in hopes of bagging a brace of birds for the dinner table."