Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Konformist - An Interpretation of Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Santa Barbara Independent Eating French - and search engine

25 Unexpectedly Useful Websites for the Uncommonly Curious

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Yet again, another iChat filter recreated: Invisible (Hero) Effect!

Again from MacRumors, too...

read more | digg story - Download Myspace Music | Free MySpace Music Downloads -- Making Movies with the Apple iSight

"Nosferatu" (1922)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kubrick 2001: Flash

paranoiawu0.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x400 pixels)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Movie Mistakes

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Fathers at Ririan Project

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Tao of Mac - HOWTO: Write iSync Phone Plugins

LocateTV - Find TV shows, movies, cast and crew on TV, on DVD and online

Infinite OZ | Tin Man .

Infinite OZ | Tin Man. Broadband a must!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Isync hack for Nokia 5300

My brother has found a Nokia 5300 and 6600 as my viejete this, he accepted the gift, when suddenly I found that was not compatible with iSync, so I looked a bit and I found that editing the / Applications / / Contents / PlugIns / ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice / Contents / PlugIns
/PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin/Contents/Resources/MetaClasses.plist y añadir esta entrada podemos sincronizarlo.Eso si, hay que tener cuidado al introducir el codigo y fijarse de eliminar cualquier asociacion previa del telefono. / PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin / Contents / Resources / MetaClasses.plist and add this entry sincronizarlo.Eso if we can, we must be careful to enter the code and look to eliminate any association prior phone.

Identification Identification + cgmm
Nokia+Nokia 5300 Nokia Nokia 5300 +

InheritsFrom InheritsFrom

Services Services

ServiceName ServiceName
ServiceProperties ServiceProperties

ModelIcon ModelIcon
NOK5300.tiff NOK5300.tiff
ModelName ModelName
5300 5,300

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

7 Tools To Make An RSS Feed Of Any Website

7 Tools To Make An RSS Feed Of Any Website: "RSSConsidering how popular RSS feeds have become (primarily among blogs, but also elsewhere), I find it annoying when I come across websites that offer constantly updated content in a 'feed-friendly' format, but neglect to offer this option."

UVCMAG The Urban Voice Of Comics

Monday, October 15, 2007

oh, don't forget...

Hack Attack: Six Ways to Catch Your Favorite TV Shows - Lifehacker

Yadogg » Super Girls

Top 50 Dystopian Movies of All Time

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Marsden Archive