How Advanced Can a Civilization Become?: "An interview done last year with a theoretical physicist in which he talks about how advanced civilizations can become. The answers are surprisingly detailed for something so theoretical :)"
(Via digg.)
How Advanced Can a Civilization Become?: "An interview done last year with a theoretical physicist in which he talks about how advanced civilizations can become. The answers are surprisingly detailed for something so theoretical :)"
(Via digg.)
2005/10/11 Antique Phonograph Music Program: "Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mike Cumella on from Tue October 11 2005"
Progressive Rock Ultimate Discography ... with MP3 and reviews: "
posted by junky to mp3 music reference ... and others... bookmark this"
VIDEO [Bravia commercial]
VIDEO [Featurette: the making of the ad]
LINK [project website, w/ more pictures & downloads]
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
2006 to herald first Macs capable of running both Mac OS X and Windows: "Two worlds will collide in 2006, producing the first systems capable of running both Windows and Mac OS. For years, computer users have sought a hybrid. Not a half-electric, half-gasoline motor vehicle, but a computer that combines the elegance of Apple's software design with the raw horsepower of an Intel CPU."
(Via digg.)
How to Defend Yourself from the Coming Robot Rebellion: "Roboticist Daniel H. Wilson, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, has written a humorous guide to protecting you from various robots, noting that, 'Any robot could rebel, from a toaster to a Terminator, and so it is crucial to learn the strengths and weaknesses of every robot enemy.'"
(Via digg.)
VIDEO : Tom Cruise Squirted With Water at War of the Worlds Premiere: "I think I know why nobody is going to the movies anymore (story). The celebrities are suddenly way more interesting offscreen. For example, Tom Cruise.
In the last couple of weeks, he has made..."
Full Metal Jacket Soundboards Resources
F...: "Full Metal Jacket Soundboards Resources
Full Metal Jacket Soundboards related sites and other resources.
Full Metal Jacket Soundboards web searches including stuff.
Full Metal Jacket Soundboard check out a new part of ebaum's world - click here · original full metal jacket soundboard · latest fmj soundboard. more soundboards - here. Full Metal Jacket Pranks Soundboard see our collection of celebrity soundboards. flash cartoons, videos, jokes, pictures, pranks, audio. Audiocom..."
(Via zataxaton.)
Giant Robot Dinosaurs with Video!!!: "The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan has created some incredible new robot/animatronic dinosaurs that can actually walk around. I would tell you more about..."
Archive of American Television interviews online: "Hundreds of hours of unedited interview footage with television pioneers. From the Archive of American Television, previously available via appointment, now available via Google Video. Okay, so maybe Michael J. Fox [video link] is no pioneer, but Norman Lear [video link] is. Also Mister Rogers [video link].)"
(Via MetaFilter.)
Week 6 - Permission new music podcast: "
Jayson is out of town this week, so Dave has taken over the show. With the
help of Permission's in-house Harvard MBA, Cherie Fu, we bring you another batch
of hot new music. This week, it's:
Next week we begin podcasting for a live audience at Kush
- come out Monday night, we will be recording the show from 8:30 - 9:30pm, and
there will be lots of fun all night as the Urban Gypsy Circus kicks off the
first week of Permission Mondays at Kush!
(Via Permission New Music Weekly.)
The Brontosaurus - Monty Python's flying creationism: "The Brontosaurus - Monty Python's flying creationism - Please describe the mechanism that intelligent design proposes for how complex biological structures arose.From cw"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
Brian Moore USB-Based Guitar: "Brian Moore USB-Based Guitar - Finally: one USB cable, one guitar, one computer -- you're done.From cw"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
How to prepare for flu pandemic: "How to prepare for flu pandemic - This is serious stuff, and very good material! Read it now while there is time to prepare. Written by a medical doctor for the lay person.From Green Lantern"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
CommonMedia: "
Founded by Jeff Reifman, a former Microsoft manager, CommonMedia is an online community and family of websites for news, politics, music, and video.
LINK [CommonMedia]
LINK [Seattle Times article]
CommonBits provides downloadable political media, including regular Daily Show excerpts (no worries, Jon Stewart says it’s cool). CommonFlix and CommonTunes collect freely available music and video and organize it by category, popularity, and age. Much of this content is distributed via BitTorrent, which provides for efficient, decentralized file sharing.
LINK [how to start using BitTorrent to download files]
LINK [article about news tools featuring CommonTimes]
LINK [ten ways to use CommonTimes]
All of CommonMedia’s services are also available as RSS subscriptions, so you can easily keep track of whatever strikes your fancy. Podcasting is supported as well (previously mentioned).
LINK [how to use RSS feeds to follow content]
LINK [how to use podcasting to download media]
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
Private companies own human gene patents: "
Nearly a fifth of all human genes have been patented - the majority by private biotechnology companies, according to a survey carried out by Kyle Jensen and Fiona Murray at MIT. Besides, the rights to some human genes, such as BRCA1, the gene linked to breast cancer, are claimed by more than one company, with as many as 20 patents asserting rights to various uses.
Many scientists fear that by monopolising specific genes, companies will exclude other researchers from studying them.
John Harris, at the University of Manchester, said: 'I worry that this kind of patenting could have impacts on the cost of health and the freedom to access it.'
According to Helen Wallace of Genewatch, the patent grab threatens to skew research into areas where intellectual property rights are easy to secure. 'It encourages a search for genes, when many problems with health could be addressed by better research into diet, social and economic factors.'
Via The Guardian. Image Critical Art Ensemble.
"(Via we make money not art.)
Fighting the standards of taste and decency: "The Best Banned Advertising, from the publishers of the Best Rejected Advertising books, is a collection highlighting quality ads that received numerous consumer complaints and in some cases government bans. Most aren't your typical 'too hot for tv' commercials; some are fantastic."
(Via MetaFilter.)
Wicked Web 2.0 resource!!!!11!1!: "A literal cornucopia of online web design resources to help you keep on top of specifications and sites related to CSS, accessibility, graphic design (color tables and theory), DOM, typography, and much, much more..."
(Via MetaFilter.)
Missing U.S. cat found in France: "Missing U.S. cat found in France - When Emily the cat went missing a month ago, her owners looked for their wandering pet where she had ended up before -- the local animal shelter. This week they learned Emily sailed to France.
Now that is one smart cat! Probably couldn't deal with Bush anymore!From Nony"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
(Via What's the Secret Podcast.)
Ladies and Gentlemen: The Real George W. Bush: "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Real George W. Bush - ... Bush is finished as a force in American politics. How he ever got to become president in the first place -- not once, but twice -- will remain a subject social scientists will study and debate for decades to come. Because there was plenty of evidence that George W. Bush was a made man. He had accomplished nothing in his adult life on his own -- not one thing ... From Nony"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
The Marijuana Conspiracy: "The Marijuana Conspiracy - The real reason Cannabis has been outlawed has nothing to do with its effects on the mind and body.From feelingravity"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
National Geographic: Live From Botswana: "
VIDEOS [highlights]
LINK [website]
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
The Scandal isn't the Leak, But the Illegal War: "The Scandal isn't the Leak, But the Illegal War - The conspiracy that bubbles around Judith Miller protecting a source -- whose name she couldn't remember -- and Robert Novak using his column to out undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame should soon evaporate. The next step should lead Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald to the heart of the matter: a much more pernicious conspiracy designed to mislead the United States into war with Iraq. The crime to name a covert CIA official pales in comparison with conspiring to lead the nation to war under false pretenses.From Nony"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
The Real Price of Gold: "The Real Price of Gold - A £1,000 wedding ring - equivalent to one ounce of gold - creates up to 30 tons of toxic waste. To produce that single ounce, miners have to quarry hundreds of tons of rock, which are then doused in a liquid cyanide solution to separate the gold.From Juniper"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.)
VIDEO : Japanese Talent Show Trick - Girl Loses Her Head!: "This video is from a Japanese talent show and shows a girl literally losing her head. It took me awhile, but I finally figured out how this cool trick works. Can you figure it out? Click on the image..."
Big Bush Donor Indicted, Suspected Of Laundering Illegal Funds To Bush-Cheney 2004 Campaign...: "
The Toledo Blade, which was first onto the so-called ‘Coingate’ scandal in Ohio, broke another related story this afternoon, reporting that a federal grand jury has indicted the central figure in the coin scandal --Tom Noe, the former Maumee coin dealer suspected of laundering money into President Bush's reelection campaign.
Noe's attorney, Jon Richardson, told The Blade he was called this afternoon and informed of the indictment.
Frog secretions block HIV infections: "A new weapon in the battle against HIV may come from an unusual source –tropical frogs. Investigators at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have discovered that compounds secreted by frog skin are potent blockers of HIV infection."
(Via digg.)
Photoshop Podcast from the Professionals: "The National Association of Photoshop Profossionals has a video podcast now. They were doing just audio, but they've moved to video this week.
Nothing like getting good PS tips from the pros, without paying the membership fees."
(Via digg.)
This just in...: "If Fox News had Been Around Throughout History... We've learned that Greeks are in fact hiding *inside* the horse and will be attempting to infiltrate the city of Troy after nighfall... via essays & effluvia"
(Via MetaFilter.)
Glow Tentacles: "In this tutorial I will teach you to make glow tentacles like the ones in the preview."
(Via Graphics World.)
'We need to design some pretty revolutionary spacesuits if we're really going to realize human exploration of other [planetary] bodies,' says Dava Newman, at MIT. Together with her team, she's trying to build the BioSuit, a form-fitting 'second skin,' designed for lunar and Martian living.
A primary function of a spacesuit is to maintain air pressure in the airless vacuum of space or the sparse atmosphere of Mars. In the late 1960s, Paul Webb created a spacesuit that featured six layers of elastic that pressed the body to mimic pressure. The design was lighter and provided greater range of motion than the current 'gas bag.' Webb tested the suit and its physiological effects and wrote a report in 1971 that said the idea was viable and safe. But NASA didn't bite.
Newman took up the challenge. The proposed BioSuit will consist of a skintight body suit, a hard torso and backpack for life-support systems and equipment, and a domed helmet.
Newman's team has made several lower-leg prototypes, including one of nylon-spandex, one of elastic wrapped like bandage, and another of pressurized foam painted with layers of urethane.
Ultimately, the BioSuit must maintain fairly constant pressure over the whole body as it moves.
Putting on a BioSuit might feel a bit like squeezing into a wetsuit several sizes too small. The researchers are looking to metals and polymers that expand, contract, or change their properties in response to heat or electricity. Most of these technologies exist, but are too weak or power-hungry to use yet.
Via USA Today.
Related: women in spacesuit, Spray-on spacesuits, Animal Astronauts, Soviet space monkey pants on eBay.
"(Via we make money not art.)
Lowering blood pressure at the flick of a switch: "
The possibility of a patient lowering their blood pressure at the flick of a switch has been raised by researchers at Oxford University and Imperial College London who report that they can make patients’ blood pressure increase or decrease by stimulating with electrodes very specific regions of the brain.
A patient having surgery to implant electrodes. After surgery the electrodes can be switched on and off by the patient using a handheld box.
Deep brain stimulation – placing very thin electrodes onto exact locations in the brain – is already used to relieve pain or to help Parkinsons’ sufferers to move better. This potentially offers a cure to sufferers of high blood pressure that does not depend on taking drugs long-term.
Via The Engineer.
"(Via we make money not art.)
Instant Home, a work by Valeska Peschke, is a 50 sqft house that travels in a box and takes only two minutes to inflate into a pitched-roof house. Complete with furniture: sofa, lamp, coffee table, fireplace, TV, etc. Instant Home set up in locations typically considered uninhabitable- city parking lots to suburbian driveways, to the deserts of the western United States.
Made me think of Lambert Kamps's hilarious Inflatable Furniture. With his system, anyone can live in a very tiny flat. Just inflate the furniture you need: with the press of a button, you can make a living room, a study, a dining or a bedroom.
"(Via we make money not art.)
Japanese god woman buries herself in Gwalior...: "Japanese god woman buries herself in Gwalior to seek a disaster-free world - India News - ..."
Todd McFarlane Talks Spawn Sequel: "
Filed under: Action & Adventure, Fandom, Scripts & Screenwriting, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
In a recent interview with IGN, McFarlane discussed his future plans for Spawn. If you dig Todd and his work, the entire interview is well worth the read, but for now we'll just talk movie info. McFarlane is very realistic regarding a Spawn sequel; he knows the first movie was not well received, and that if he hopes to film a second he will not be given the budget that other big title comic book movies are receiving.
His answer to this problem is perhaps surprising, and frankly a bit refreshing in its straightforwardness. ‘Eliminate the fantastic,’ says McFarlane. As in, cut out the elements that would lead to a need for big budget special effects. He cites Frankenstein as an example, noting that everything in the Frankenstein story was real and human, including the lead characters of the doctor and Igor. ‘The only thing that was fantastic was the monstrosity in the middle.’ McFarlane offers two tibits regarding the plot of his sequel. The storyline will primarily follow a character named Twitch, who eventually becomes Sheriff Brody. Thematically, the new movie will revolve around the reality of ghosts and spirits in the Spawn universe, a familiar concept to Spawn fans.
Can a Spawn movie succeed without the elements of the fantastic that fill the pages of its comic book? It is certainly is an interesting angle to take; and frankly, given the success of its last attempt, there’s almost nowhere to go but up.
Read | Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments |
(Via Cinematical.)
Filed under: Action & Adventure, 20th Century Fox, Fandom, RumorMonger, Scripts & Screenwriting, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
C’mon, admit it. You liked Predator. You liked the b-movie dialogue and the shoot-em-up action. You wanted Alien v. Predator to be fantastic. You wanted to revel in the glory of the Predator backed by modern special effects on the big screen. And they broke your heart. You wanted them to bring you flowers and candy, maybe write you some poetry; you wanted them to treat you like a princess and instead they treated you like a whore. They took advantage of your affection and gave you nothing but tears in return.
Well, pick up the tattered shreds of your dignity, because a new beau may be coming to town. According to an anonymous tipster at Latino Review, Twentieth Century Fox is now in talks with John McTiernan to bring Predator back to the big screen. The tip reports that the new movie will be 'not a sequel, not a remake, not a prequel; more of a restart.' Apparently, there’s talk that the story will focus around Dutch’s (Arnold S.) grown up commando son. Mr. Tipster also says that John Cena’s name has been tossed around for the lead, but it’s too early for anything to be certain.
Dare we dream again?
Read | Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments |
(Via Cinematical.)
SIN CITY: The Series??: "The Weinstein Bros., not content with reaping millions from their..."
(Via Ain't It Cool News.)
Smooth Borders: "
This tutorial will teach you in a few steps how to get rid of those nasty sharp edges."
Entermation: "
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
The Long Now: "
The Orrery is a ten foot tall planet tracking display. The lower half is a mechanical binary calculation engine. Each layer is calculating the orbit if one of the six human eye visible planets (Mercury through Saturn) to 28 bits of accuracy. The Orrery is primarily made of monel (a nickel copper alloy), and stainless steel. The planet spheres are ground from natural stones that resemble each planet they represent.
LINK [project website]
IMAGES [gallery of the clock at the event]
LINK [Discover article]
LINK [about The Long Now Foundation]
LINK [10,000 clock story]
LINK [project website w/ images]
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
scary search: "GooGhoul! Search tool for hayrides, festivals, haunted houses and other Halloweeny things in your zip code."
(Via MetaFilter.)
Remember, prospective clients will want to look at examples of your
If you’ve got them posted on high profile websites such as the
ones mentioned here, it is a good step towards reeling in projects as
well as making yourself ‘known’.
They may see your profile and keep you in mind for a future project…
who knows?!
Keep track of all correspondence with your contract employer (email)
whatever you do and you will be using contracts to clearly define the
relationship, make it nice and legal. Most of the good freelance sites
will have these resources available to you.
Its always a good idea just to have a contract with your client so that
your directions and agreement is clear. Some of the ‘meet markets’
help provide you with a template.
Here is a great resource on how to do it:
You must be able to keep track of payment records. When the project
is done you will have to invoice your client. Here is a sample form that
you could use. It’s Canadian but if you’re from another country, most of
the principles should apply.
If you have incorporated a business then you would count your services
as business income; so I just recommend finding out more information
or talk to your CPA (or find a CPA).
If you haven’t incorporated, you will have to claim it as personal income
on the records. That’s all I’m going to say on that because that’s not
my specialty.
You might want to save this article for your future reference but if you’re
freelancing or going to be freelancing then make sure that you are doing
the right things that will help you favorably in getting more projects,
meeting more prospective clients/contractors, increasing your own skill
level ability as well as marketing your self and services.
And there ARE businesses and corporations that are looking for the
right graphics solution that you can offer them. Freelancing can be very
rewarding because you get paid for doing what you love to do so it can be
fulfilling both personally and professionally.
If you know that you still need to get the Photoshop side of things taken
care of (kind of hard to get the job done if you don’t have the skills), then
take a look at my TutorialKey video tutorials training for Photoshop CS/2.
In one place you can get all the foundational training you would need
as well as additional ‘real world application’ skills training in step by
step ‘from scratch’ tutorials that will help give you the competitive edge.
Other than that, keep on learning and make sure you actively promote
yourself to keep getting more work! Get involved, stay proactive in
seeking work and getting referrals.
Grow and maintain a courteous reputation for win-win business
relationships. Also have a main income stream coming in while you
get going so it doesn’t become a dependency and have fun with it.
Seek out opportunity and soon it will find you! It doesn’t matter what
country you’re from if you are professional and capable on both sides
of the bat.
Orion Williams
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS
macosxhints - Get the most from X!: "
posted by sbsteele99 to apple computers hacks mac news osx reference software tiger help tips hints macosx links forums discussion ... and others... bookmark this"
Remember, prospective clients will want to look at examples of your
If you’ve got them posted on high profile websites such as the
ones mentioned here, it is a good step towards reeling in projects as
well as making yourself ‘known’.
They may see your profile and keep you in mind for a future project…
who knows?!
Keep track of all correspondence with your contract employer (email)
whatever you do and you will be using contracts to clearly define the
relationship, make it nice and legal. Most of the good freelance sites
will have these resources available to you.
Its always a good idea just to have a contract with your client so that
your directions and agreement is clear. Some of the ‘meet markets’
help provide you with a template.
Here is a great resource on how to do it:
You must be able to keep track of payment records. When the project
is done you will have to invoice your client. Here is a sample form that
you could use. It’s Canadian but if you’re from another country, most of
the principles should apply.
If you have incorporated a business then you would count your services
as business income; so I just recommend finding out more information
or talk to your CPA (or find a CPA).
If you haven’t incorporated, you will have to claim it as personal income
on the records. That’s all I’m going to say on that because that’s not
my specialty.
You might want to save this article for your future reference but if you’re
freelancing or going to be freelancing then make sure that you are doing
the right things that will help you favorably in getting more projects,
meeting more prospective clients/contractors, increasing your own skill
level ability as well as marketing your self and services.
And there ARE businesses and corporations that are looking for the
right graphics solution that you can offer them. Freelancing can be very
rewarding because you get paid for doing what you love to do so it can be
fulfilling both personally and professionally.
If you know that you still need to get the Photoshop side of things taken
care of (kind of hard to get the job done if you don’t have the skills), then
take a look at my TutorialKey video tutorials training for Photoshop CS/2.
In one place you can get all the foundational training you would need
as well as additional ‘real world application’ skills training in step by
step ‘from scratch’ tutorials that will help give you the competitive edge.
Other than that, keep on learning and make sure you actively promote
yourself to keep getting more work! Get involved, stay proactive in
seeking work and getting referrals.
Grow and maintain a courteous reputation for win-win business
relationships. Also have a main income stream coming in while you
get going so it doesn’t become a dependency and have fun with it.
Seek out opportunity and soon it will find you! It doesn’t matter what
country you’re from if you are professional and capable on both sides
of the bat.
Orion Williams
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS
Creating Artistic Brushes: "
In this tip we will learn how to use Adobe® Photoshop® brushes and paths to create a more organic-looking brush to use in Illustrator."
Kerning and Tracking Text: "
Learn what kerning and tracking are as well as how to easily control them in Illustrator."
Anti-Bacterial Soap Is Bad For You.: "Ultimately if using it helps create more powerful bacteria. -- 'Anti-bacterial soaps and body washes in the household aren't any more effective in reducing illness than regular soap, and could potentially contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, experts told a government advisory panel Thursday.'"
(Via digg.)
Professional Flash Video Available: "Flash Extensions provides quality video tutorial regarding Flash and related technologies. The content is aimed to help those starting to build applications with Flash, developers transitioning from a previous language or platform to Flash (i.e. Java or .NET), and/or those who wish to learn new techniques in programming on the Flash Platform. Many of us are visual learners and therefore can learn more quickly by watching others, especially as it applies to Flash development. Flash does not follow many of the traditional conventions of other languages, which has lead to frustration when programming in Flash. We hope to help ease that frustration with a visual learning environment. We want to keep the content of this site accessible to everyone, not just those who work for large companies with large training budgets. Not all of us can afford $1500 for a set of DVD's! I hope you enjoy the videos...make sure to sign up for our mailing list and we will send you notices about upcoming videos. If you have any questions or requests regarding what you would like to see in the following weeks...Please email us!!! If you choose to subscribe to the mailing list please drop a line to let us know what you like (or dislike). Thank you and may your skills be extended with this site!"
(Via FlashExtensions - Extend Flash. Extend Skills. Extend Possibilites.)
Dolphin Man: "Dolphin Man - I have now made my own flexible dolphin monofin, look at the drawing and the pictures. When I am in the pool I really look like a too large fishFrom cw"
(Via Codewolf DOT Com.) - Clear Instructions on How To Do (just about) Everything: "
posted by johnlabriola to howTo reference ... and others... bookmark this"
(Via - Clear Instructions on How To Do (just about) Everything: "
posted by johnlabriola to howTo reference ... and others... bookmark this"
Aliens take over The Science Museum in London.
The Peril From Another Planet zone explores the variety of what we think are aliens, from UFO scares to popular fiction, both in book form and on cinema and TV screens.
The second zone looks at how scientists are exploring the possibilities of alien life, showing how even on Earth extreme conditions can produce weird and wonderful creatures we might describe as 'alien' (like the sea spider on the image above.)
Alien Worlds is a fantasy land where scientists predict what alien life might look like, and explain why.
Finally, in Alien Communication, the focus is on SETI - the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence - and begs the question what would we would most like to say to anything we might find out there...
For this exhibition, ART+COM has designed an installation that bring two worlds imagined by a group of scientists to life. Large curved surfaces provide a view to the planets of 'Aurelia' and 'Blue Moon' where alien species live in dynamic artificial simulation. Aurelia has no seasons, only two different sides: a dark side that is forever cold, trapped in constant winter; but the lighter side is so hot that it suffers from harsh storms and hurricane-force winds.
Blue Moon is more like Earth, a pale blue dot orbiting a giant gas planet. Oxygen makes up 30% of the planet's atmosphere, compared to 21% on Earth. But there's 30 times more carbon dioxide than on Earth. The result is a planet with an extreme greenhouse effect and a cloying atmosphere.
The visitors can interact with the creatures on the touch-sensitive surface to learn more about them or influence their behaviours, for example by encouraging the creatures to hunt for food or survive natural disasters prevalent on the planets.
These environments are stretching over 2 by 7.5 Meters each. Large-scale projection systems and a sensitive skin facilitate collaborative exploration of these environments.
The Science of Aliens exhibition runs 15 Oct 2005 - 26 Feb 2006, London.
Read also The Guardian. Pictures in 20 minutos and yahoo (1, 2, 3).
(Via we make money not art.)
Artist Brock Enright offers is notorious in the US as the man who performs 'bespoke executive kidnappings' for $1,500 a time. Every abduction is tailored to the phobias of each 'victim' to offer 'maximum terror'.
Enright's activities reach beyond acts of abduction, his Video and Adventure Services company to offer tailormade products that shamlessly explore personal perversions.
While kidnapping dominates perceptions of his company, VAS offers a host of 'customised reality adventures', or real-life video games. 'Some people are lonely and want to make friends,' says Enright. Some people want to be stalked, others want 'to feel like they're slowly going crazy'. After drawing up legal contracts detailing what they can and can't get away with, VAS bring these fantasies to life, with the help of actors and locations.
His Raising Dead Mothers show is at the Vilma Gold gallery, London E2, until October 16.
Via Selectparks < The Guardian.
Reminded me of Kidnap.
In 1998 Blast Theory launched a lottery in which the winners had the chance to be kidnapped. Ten finalists were chosen at random and put under surveillance. Two winners were then snatched and taken to a secret location where they were held for 48 hours.
The whole process was broadcast live onto the internet. Online visitors were able to control the video camera inside the safehouse and communicate live with the kidnappers.
During the run up to Kidnap, a 45 second video - the Kidnap Blipvert - was shown at cinemas around the UK. The Blipvert carried a freephone number, allowing people to register their interest.
"(Via we make money not art.)
(Via Centripetal Notion.)
Archiving email on Gmail: "Mark Frauenfelder:
(Click on Thumbnail for enlargement) Last Friday, my PowerBook's hard drive experienced catastrophic failure and I lost everything.
Fortunately, I'd made a backup of my disk the night before using the best backup software for Macs, Super Duper, so I was able to recover everything but that day's changes to my hard drive. I asked people to resend certain emails, including Charles Platt, and he gave me this great tip: set up a rule in Mac's to send a copy of every email that goes in and out over to a Gmail account. That way, you'll always have a searchable archive of all the email you send and receive.
I just set up the rule, and it seems to be working. Thanks, Charles!"
(Via Boing Boing.)
Bush Conference with Soldiers Staged: "<a href=''><img style='border:none; margin-left: 2px;' src='' width='80' height='56' align='right'></a>"
In case you missed the last paragraph of a wire story about the criminally indicted House Republican leader Tom DeLay:
DeLay's lawyers are trying to avoid having their client handcuffed, photographed and fingerprinted for his October 21st court appearance.That's a surprisingly soft-on-crime stance for a guy whose long list of abuses of power include sending Homeland Security agents to hunt down his political opponents."
(Via DNC: Kicking Ass.)
And The New James Bond Is...: "
Daniel Craig, a 37-year-old, sandy-haired Englishman was introduced Friday as the new James Bond, ending months of speculation.
His selection was revealed as he was whisked down the Thames River aboard a military Rigid Raider boat to a news conference.
"Deepak Chopra: Bringing Down Our Berlin Wall: "
In a recent radio interview, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich pointed out that the U.S. has the widest gap between rich and poor of any country except Mexico and Russia. A huge pool of capital wealth is being amassed by 1% or less of the population while economic decline, in real dollars, is being felt by the majority. This economic injustice is our Berlin Wall. It separates us more concretely than racial, political or religious differences.
Currently, like the Soviets under Brezhnev, the administration mirrors the middle-class reaction of fear, defensiveness, and selfishness when it builds the wall higher. It does everything to protect the status quo of the privileged, which is outright injustice, but in addition it blocks any hope for a different future for the poor (or for anyone outside the country club wall, like gays and people of color) by the simple tactic of ignoring them.
Reich warns that economics has strong political consequences; in this case, the squeezed middle class is fearful of losing its status and therefore is more reluctant to help the underprivileged. Farther down the ladder, the lower middle class has to compete for jobs with the poor, giving rise to antagonism and more self-defensive fear of losing out. We all feel how insidious this trend has become. The politics of altruism that gave rise to social welfare and civil rights has turned around to the politics of corruption and 'Me First'.
A former moderate who's a friend of mine recently shocked me by saying, 'I used to want to help the blacks, but they hate us for trying to help, and there's nothing anybody can do about these religious fanatics. So I'm building my wall and hiding behind it.' This is Berlin Wall thinking at the grass roots level.
You'd think that somebody would want to fill this political vacuum. Why are there some 1,800 radio outlets along the lines of Rush Limbaugh but only one Air America? Our idealism is exhausted. The baby boomer generation had its anti-war movement forty years ago, and the experience was so demoralizing that few want to repeat it. Democratic politicians are stymied because they belong to the same privileged cabal as the Republicans. There was a time when a rich white male like Robert Kennedy would personally, physically stand in a crowd and expose himself to the poor as their standard bearer. No more. The tactics of fear are powerful, while the tactics of hope are fragile.
The best hope we have is that the 'silent majority,' Nixon's famous term for disgruntled white conservatives in the Seventies, has now reversed itself. The silent majority consists of citizens white and black who are totally opposed to the right-wing agenda. How did a right-wing coalition come to power? By organizing at the level of town meetings, city government, school boards, churches, and political action committees. Silence only ends when individual citizens stop being silent.
Goethe said that when you take your first step toward a difficult goal, unknown powers come to your aid. I think the Berlin Wall demonstrated that when a society deeply believes it's time to change, the agents of change will appear. Right now, the resolve of the silent majority is weak, but one day people will look at each other, and just as they said, 'It's time to end racial discrimination,' they will end the trend toward social injustice in its new economic guise.
"UFO Maps: "
posted by nadiasaiph to google reference space news ... and others... bookmark this"
An awesome new time-travelling television spot for Guinness, playing off a familiar meme:
LINK [Framestore CFC commericals]
"(Via Centripetal Notion.)
Steve Cobble: How Do You Lose 3 Debates Wearing a Wire?: "
Believe it or not, tomorrow (10/13) marks one year since John Kerry swept all 3 Presidential debates from George W.
Yet the MSM still has not gotten to the bottom of whether or not the swaggering leader of the 'Only Indispensable Nation' was cheating in the debates, by wearing a wire.
The blogs did a good job last year raising hell about it, and the evidence seemed pretty clear to me--i.e., my eyes still work.
(I never did understand why Kerry didn't just slap W on the back during the opening handshake...or carry his microphone over closer to W, for some nice Jimi Hendrix feedback action...)
The evidence was even clearer to Dr. Robert Nelson of NASA, who ran a series of ingenious little experiments which showed dramatically that 'W' stands for 'Wired'.
But according to FAIR, the only papers which showed any initial interest in a real scientist demonstrating that our Prez was a cheater, quickly got cold feet.
The story just died. Or was killed.
Note these words of wisdom from Arianna's main man Bill Keller (as reported by Dave Lindorff, who dug into this story for both Salon & FAIR: 'In the end, nobody, including the scientist who brought it up, could take the story beyond speculation. In the crush of election-finale stories, it died a quiet, unlamented death.'
Quiet? There's some circular reasoning, given that they wouldn't pursue the story.
Unlamented? That's just not true.
Maybe it wasn't a wire. Maybe it was some sort of medical device, as some suggested. I don't buy it, but doesn't the public deserve to know that, too?
Others suggested it was some sort of special Secret Service protection. Pretty doubtful. That contraption didn't look anything like the bulletproof jacket that Jesse Jackson had to wear several times when I was on his 1988 campaign. And it sure looks like a little wire, not any kind of body armor.
Whatever it was, it was weird; it was unique; it was newsworthy. And it was very likely cheating--in the presidential debates. Yet the MSM left the story totally alone.
I have an idea--maybe Mr. Fitzgerald could ask Dick & Karl what it was, the next time they chat...
Marine Major Paul Hackett came home from Iraq determined to continue serving -- and determined to provide new leadership where the Republican culture of corruption and ideological crusades has failed.
He's not the only Iraq vet who has seen failed Republican leadership up close -- and more and more veterans are deciding to take matters into their own hands:
Lawyer Patrick Murphy and five other veterans of the Iraq war are asking questions about President Bush's policies in Iraq as part of their broader Democratic campaigns to win congressional seats in next year's elections.It's not just veterans, either. Americans from all walks of life -- sheriffs, teachers, public defenders -- are stepping up to the plate to provide the honest, serious leadership that our country deserves."Given their experience in Iraq, the six Democrats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia say they are eminently qualified to pose the tough questions. Their reservations mirror public opinion, with an increasing number of Americans expressing concern about the mission and favoring a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. troops.
The most recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed only 37 percent of Americans approve of Bush's handling of Iraq, with 62 percent disapproving.
(Via DNC: Kicking Ass.)
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